There are hundreds of contact lens options, each differing in material, design, shape and size. So what does that mean for you? Contrary to popular belief, contact lenses are not a "one size fits all".  In fact, contact lenses are deemed medical devices by the FDA that can cause serious, long-term damage to your eyes if not properly fit by an Optometrist or Ophthalmologist. Until a proper fitting is conducted and concluded, we will be unable to provide you with a contact lens prescription. 

Why do I have to pay a fitting fee? 

Contact lens exams consist of additional tests and evaluations that are not part of a routine annual eye exam; therefore, there is an additional cost to be fit with contact lenses. This additional cost is most often referred to as a "fitting fee". Keeping in mind that although your fitting fee is a separate charge , it is in addition to the eye exam - meaning a regular eye exam must and will be performed along with the fitting.  

What does a fitting fee cover?

Our fitting fees vary in price and are based on the complexity of the fit, ocular health, history of ocular surgeries and injuries.  Our fitting fees cover the corneal evaluation, topography measurement, tear film & tear production assessment, all trial lenses, instruction on insertion and removal for new wearers, and 3 months of unlimited contact lens follow-up visits. We have structured our fitting process to ensure the most accurate fit, focusing on prescription and comfort. For our contact lenses patients, we also offer 20% off back-up glasses to promote good eye health and create good contact lens wearing habits.

How does the fitting process work? 

After your initial exam and contact lens evaluation, you will be given a pair of diagnostic (or trial) contact lenses that Dr. Cowan feels will best suite you and your specific needs. In a week, Dr. Cowan will ask you to return for a follow-up visit for a number of very important reasons. First, the lenses will be examined on your eyes to ensure they fit properly (a lens can fit too tight or too  lose - each causing their own harm). Secondly, your vision will be assessed to determine the powers are accurate. Lastly, your overall comfort and satisfaction of the lenses will be discussed. If any problem is found or if you are unhappy with your initial trial lenses for any reason, changes will be made and you will be given a different trial lens to try for another week. This process will continue until both you and Dr. Cowan are competely satisfied with your contact lens prescription. After a successful fitting, you will be provided a final contact lens prescription.  NOTE: you must wear your contact lenses to your follow-up visit. 

Do I need a fitting if I already wear contacts?

A contact lens fitting is required each time a contact lens presrciption is renewed. In Louisiana, a contact lens prescription is valid for 12 months. Although you may have worn contact lenses for years, changes occur to our bodies, our health and our eyes each day. What worked for you last year may no longer work this year due to ANY of these changes and you must be re-evaluated properly for contact lenses. 


Ordering Contacts Online - BEWARE!!

Remember the old term, "You get what you pay for"? The same holds true for contact lenses. If you're paying a knock off price for a name brand contact lens, chances are you're getting a knock-off contact lens. Yep with contact lenses - just like shoes, handbags, jewelry, and fragances - the label may say name brand but the fine print somewhere on the product states otherwise. Beware of generics claiming to be the real deal. Long-term use of a non-approved FDA lens will eventually cause you long-term and sometimes irreversible damage. 

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